Monday, September 22, 2008

My New Toy

This is my new toy I got yesterday for cross-training and an eventual triathlon, a Felt FW40 road bike. I brought her home last night so I haven't had a chance to ride her yet, I've just been ooohing and aaahing over her and can't wait to take her out for a test spin tonight! I've also been training for this: Pasadena Marathon I'm only doing the 1/2 marathon and I managed to get my hubby to sign up with me too! He's afraid that he'll get left behind, but I reassured him that I won't be leaving him in the dust and we'll be great at motivating eachother throughout the course. This is the first year that Pasadena is hosting a marathon so I thought it would be a great experience and it's close to home to boot. On a different note, I've been doing some cardmaking but have been too lazy to take photos and upload them! After I work out, I eat dinner then poop out around 9:30pm and then it's just too late to do anything productive. If I didn't have to sleep, I could get so much more done

1 comment:

naomi said...

Next thing you'll be doing the full marathons! Did you know that Jo Lo participated in a triathlon? I bet that's next for you.
I'm so jealous, I wish I had the stamina to do something like that.
I can't wait to see your cards.